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Program & Replays

The Dream Interview: Questions That Unlock the Uniqueness of Your Dream Images

Broadcast on April 21, 2022
With Dr. Gayle Delaney
Hosted by Kelly Sullivan Walden

According to Dr. Gayle Delaney, no matter what method of interpretation you practice, learning how to ask non-leading questions of the dreamer will help you elicit invaluable information about the dreamer's own way of choosing images and themes significant to them. If you have the humility and wisdom to ask the dreamer to describe the images as if describing them to a person who just arrived from another planet and knows little about earthly life, you will be astounded by the results.

In this session, you’ll discover:

  • It's far more effective to elicit interpretations rather than to suggest them
  • Hearing interpretations in the dreamer's own words is powerful and motivating 
  • Practicing with another dreamer is the easiest way to learn the method
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Dr. Gayle Delaney

Co-Director, Delaney & Flowers Dream Center; Founding President, IASD

Dr. Gayle Delaney is founding president and co-founder of the International Association for the Study of Dreams. She is co-director, with Loma Flowers, MD, of the Delaney & Flowers Dream and Consultation Center, training professionals and amateurs in the use of dreams for real-world problem solving.

In 1970, while one of the first female undergrads at Princeton, she created The Dream Interview Method of interpretation (DIM), a secular, individualistic, metaphor-based, question-asking process that eschews dogmatic and received interpretive traditions. Her first book, Living Your Dreams, triggered modern interest and research in a methodical approach to dream incubation, rather than dogma-based intuitive interpretations handed down from one's chosen dream expert.

Gayle has authored eight books, including All About Dreams... Sexual Dreams... and In Your Dreams. She's passionate about teaching people how to use their dreaming minds to make better choices in life, how to live their own lives rather than the ones others have set them up to live, and how to liberate themselves from restricting inhibitions that stifle joy. 

She has hosted a daily, 3-hour prime-time AM radio show and appeared on hundreds of national radio and TV programs in the U.S., Canada, France, and Italy, including five appearances on Oprah! She especially loves to work with her remote students and groups in Italian and French. Since Gayle has focused all her working hours on dreams, she has been told that she has likely heard more dreams than anyone on the planet!

Dr. Gayle Delaney